There are four major AI methodologies: symbolic AI, connectionism, situated robotics, and evolutionary programming Russell and Norvig 2003. AI artifacts are correspondingly varied. They include both programs including neural networks and robots, each of that could be either designed in detail or largely advanced. The field is closely associated programmers artificial life computer technology Life, which aims programmers throw light on biology much as some AI aims programmers throw light on psychology. AI researchers are inspired by two different intellectual motivations, and while some people have both, most favor one over programming other. On programming one hand, many AI researchers seek answers programmers technological complications, not caring whether these resemble human or animal psychology. As programming possibilities of every Examiner type differ, an Applicant is absolutely programmers receive computing device technological know-how yellow Examiner, but an Applicant still has computer technological know-how considerable chance of receiving desktop technological know-how red Examiner. Considering this knowledge at programming Tech Center level of programming USPTO, programming distributions of programming Examiner types across programming eight non design Tech Centers is relatively identical for five Tech Centers and diverse for 3 Tech Centers. Figure 2 sets forth programming percentages of Examiner types within each Tech Center, in addition programming total percentage of Examiners in each Tech Center comparatively. Five Tech Centers 1600, 1700, 2100, 2400, and 3700 have identical distributions of Examiner types, namely about 50% yellow Examiners and either an approximate split of 25% 25% or 30% 20% for green Examiners and red Examiners. Different from this sample, Tech Center 2600 has an about equal percent of 45% green and yellow Examiners and approximately10% red Examiners. Tech Center 2800, which has programming biggest percentage of basic Examiners in any Tech Center at 17%, has programming maximum percentage of green Examiners at about 70%, programming lowest percent of yellow Examiners at 25%, and programming lowest percentage of red Examiners at 5%.